Masjid tua dan terukir indah ini.
Terletak megah,di tengah-tengah hiruk-pikuk kota.
Dan elok berdiri,di antara 2 sungai yang sangat tohor.
Keajaiban itu,memang sudah kabur di peluk keaiban.
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June 8, 2011 at 3:17 PM
indah....pohon nyiur ito seolah melambai2...cehhh...hohoho
June 8, 2011 at 9:13 PM
Miss Frong-Sama macam di kampung kan ??.
June 9, 2011 at 4:36 AM
Miracles should never be a disgust and have faith as that very building is the iconic of faith in contrast of the surrounding "miracles of modernisation " .....
Miracles happens to those who believe .... Our heritage is Our Future!