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Kenapa Kita Berperang ??.

Sedangkan kita bernama ' AMAN '.

11 responses to “Kenapa Kita Berperang ??.”

  1. Blogger alhariesz Says:

    dek kerana nafsu mengatasi cinta.

  2. Blogger l.u.q Says:

    hey bro..
    i dont know much about art, tapi from the expression of the painting..leh nampak la..celaru..pasrah n redha..huhu kne kot ngan tajuk die..keep it up..i want more~

  3. Blogger MORIBAYU Says:

    L.u.q-Semalam,sehari suntuk..me nonton tentang 'isu palestin',di you tube.Dan ini,apa yg me rasa.



  4. Blogger MORIBAYU Says:

    Alhariez-Me rasa,kita banyakan banyak masa untuk cari kesalahan dan kebencian.Dari duduk mencintai dan dicintai.

  5. Blogger NAEM:a wait-er Says:

    mungkin sb kita mmg telah dilahirkan dgn kebencian.sb naem penah tgok,2 tahun lepas, org berniaga dkt bazaar ramadhan[gerai sebelah2], 'berperang' tarik rambut sesama sendiri, pasal kebencian, yg dh lama tersimpan.

    drama drama drama

  6. Blogger MORIBAYU Says:

    Nae-Wow !! tarik-tarik rambut ??.
    Sure meriah bazaar ramadhan tu..kan.

    Tak pa,hari nieh gadoh.
    besok tak yah gadoh2 lagi dah.

    Harap,depa belajar lah something.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous Says:

    War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. ~John Stewart Mill

    (harap dapat menjawab soalan awak )

  8. Anonymous cappy Says:

    sebab manusia tak menggunakan anugerah-Nya dgn cara yg betul.
    asyik2 dengki dan cemburu, perang lah jdnya.

  9. Blogger MORIBAYU Says:

    Scott-Sudah tentu ada banyak jawapan untuk di dengar,dan di fahami.

    terima kasih ya.

    Cappy-Itulah yang menyedihkan.Ada banyak cara untuk hidup harmoni.Tetapi,masih ada segelintir yg memilih~untuk 'mencium kemusnahan'.

  10. Anonymous cappy Says:

    tak habis2 nak bako jer... mana taknyer..huhuuhh..

  11. Blogger MORIBAYU Says:
