Sedang aku duduk bermalas-malas di atas sofa
Membaca buku di waktu petang yang suram dan kelam
Akhirnya , aku perasan., tentang warna cerah dan cahaya terik
Ada persamaan juga.... antara aku dan Gauguin
This entry was posted by MORIBAYU , on
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August 4, 2010 at 12:30 AM
Originality is what makes a great artist. It's tempting to relates artistic influences but insulting to be called a copy-cat right ?
As a painter you this better megat . Love yourself more and relates it to your surrounding so that people see your work as you....
Mirror has reflection do they ? One day I hope to have your paintings in my house too...
August 9, 2010 at 9:25 PM
Sean - Insya Allah , jika ada takdirnya. Sudah tentu ada satu hasil lukisan me...ada di dalam rumah kamu.
August 9, 2010 at 10:58 PM
well, sape tahu one day. insyallah.